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启杭旅行(谁能告诉我 疯狂英语的《听歌学英文)

admin admin 01-04 【教育】 940人已围观



1.When you say nothing at all 无需言语

2.When a man loves a woman 当一个男人爱上一个女人时

3.I am not a girl,not yet a woman 我已不是女孩,也不是女人

4.Every little thing you do 你做的每一件事

5.Angel 天使

6. 25 Minutes 二十五分钟

7.Because you love me 因为你爱我

8.All that I need 我需要的一切

9.Against all adds 冲破禁忌

10.Eerything I do,I do it for you 为你倾情

11.Goodbye 再见

12.Have I told you lately 我有没有告诉你

13.Better man 好男人

14.How deep is your love 你的爱有多深

15.How do I live 如何生活

16.Say you,Say me 说你,说我

17.Drowning 溺水

18.Beautiful in my eyes 眼中的美丽

19.Careless whisper 无心快语

20.How am I supposed to live without you 没有你,我怎么活

21.Unchained melody 奔放的旋律

22.Please forgive me 请原谅我

23.Pretty Boy 漂亮男孩

24.Miss you more 多想你一点

25.Endless love 无尽的爱

26.Sealed with a kiss 以吻封缄

27.Take my breath away 带走我的呼吸

28.Right here waiting 此情可待

29.Thank you 谢谢你

30.That's why 那是为什么

31.The color of the night 夜色

32.There you'll be 处处有你

33.This I promise you 我答应你

34.Unbreak my heart 别伤我的心

35.love song 情歌

36.Lady 女士

37.It must have been love 错失的爱

38.I don't want to talk about it 不想再说

39.I don't like to sleep alone 孤枕难眠

40.You've got a way 懂我

41.You needed me 你需要我

42.Wonderful tonight 今晚真美

43.Without you 失去你

44.When I need you 当我需要你的时候

45.Waiting for a girl like you 等待一个象你一样的女孩

46.Loving you 爱你

47.Goodbye girl 再见 女孩

48.Don't know much 无知

49.Because I love you 因为我爱你

50.Again 又一次

51.All by myself 单身一人

52.Do that to me one more time 再来一次

中 文 歌 曲 英 文 翻 唱(001-050首歌词已全登入)

001.Take me to your heart (张学友《吻别》)

002.How did I fall in love with you(S.H.E《远方》)


004.Walk the dinosaur(张善为《DINOSAUR》原曲)

005.You make me wanna(黄亚轩《YOU MAKE ME WANNA》)

006.Everytime I think of you(黄品源《你怎么舍得我难过》)


008.Let him go (任贤齐《心太软》)

009.Love is only just a dream(刘德华《一起走过的日子》)

010.Better man (林忆莲《BETTER MAN》)

011.More than I can say (张蔷《爱你在心口难开》)


013.Only love (张学友《当我想起你》)

014.Forgiven love(刘德华《忘情水》)

015.In my heart (张学友《每天爱你多一些》)

016.No way I can hide (梁朝伟《一天一点爱恋》)

017.My dream (张学友《一路上有你》)

018.I'll give you all my love (刘德华《谢谢你的爱》)

019.Just a fantasy(张学友《情网》)

020.Love you with all my heart(张学友《等你等到我心痛》)

021.Right here wating (阿杜《Right here wating 》)

022.You are all that I have (刘德华《一生一次》)

023.If I could (张学友《祝福》)

024.Can't let go (黄安《新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦》)

025.Can you feel the love tonight(巫启贤《心世界》)

026.Hey juliet(花儿乐队《我是你的罗密欧》)

027.Whole new world(周华建 陈淑华《萍水相逢》)

028.Let it be(郑智华《让他去》)

029.Hello (阿杜《HELLO》)

030.Now you're gone (张宇《用心良苦》)

031.We will rock you (5566《紫荆之颠》)

032.Black black heart (刘若英《分开旅行》)

033.Gaining through losing (F4《流星雨》)

034.Lemon tree (苏慧伦《柠檬树》)

035.Summer kisses winter tears(凤飞飞《多少柔情多少泪》)

036.My funny friend and me (齐秦《一定要有你》)

037.Nothing's gonna stop us now (林子祥《敢爱敢做》)

038.You'll be in my heart(周华建《你在我心里》)

039.Beyond the sea (孙楠《飞越海洋》)

040.Rose rose I love you(凤飞飞《玫瑰玫瑰我爱你》)

041.I few try (周华建《让我欢喜让我忧》)

042.Would you please some home tonight(黎明《今夜你会不会来》)

043.The look(潭咏麟《你知我知》)

044.Baby I'm sorry (草蜢《宝贝对不起》)

045.The color of the night(张信哲《THE COLOR OF THE NIGHT》)

046.Turn back the clock (杜德伟〈时光倒流〉)

047.Only you (罗家英<只有你>)

048.Windflowers (齐秦 <风之花>)

049.How deep is you love (苏永康<HOW DEEP IS YOU LOVE >)

050.Hotel California (齐秦<加洲旅馆>)

051.China girl(superstar)

052.Brown eyes(S.H.E《恋人未满》)

053.When the angels sing (S.H.E<天时在唱歌>)

054.Cinderella (半糖主义)

055.Read my mind (alwanys on my mind)

056.Doctor jone (赵薇<爱情大魔咒>)

057.Come back (S.H.E<白色歌恋>)

058.Hey jude (孙燕资<Hey jude>)

059.Only time (m2<only time>)


061.Mad about you (容祖儿<mad about you>)

062.Japanese boys (S.H.E<对号入座>)

063.Everytime (Dance remix)(S.H.E<别说对不起>)

064.More than love (S.H.E<我爱你>)

065.Nothing ever changes (S.H.E<Nothing ever changes>同名原唱)

066.Bring It all back (蔡依林<Don't stop>)

067.Proud of you (容祖儿<挥着翅膀的女孩>)

068.Mad world (阿桑 <错的多美丽>预告片主题曲)

069.Disguise (江美琪<I'm ok 谢谢>原曲)

070.Girls just wanna have fun (台湾大哥大广告曲)

071.Colors of the wind (辛晓琪<风之彩>)

072.If you come to me(本多露露<跟我说>原曲)

073.Shining friends (Coolies <眼浅>)

074.Stop stop stop (蔡依林<Love love love>)

075.Keep on loving you (王菲<容易受伤的女人>)

076.Don't wanna be (孟庭苇<谁的眼泪在飞>)


078.Sitting down here (林忆莲<我坐在这里>)

079.Dreams (王菲<梦中人>)

080.Rilkean heart (王菲<怀念>)

081.Jambalaya (赵薇<小冤家>)

082.Know who you are at every age (王菲<知已知彼>)

083.And so the story goes(李雯<DI DA DI>)

084.Where the dream takes you (蔡依林<情不自禁>)

085.Hero (林忆莲<英雄>)

086.I'm gonna love you (许景淳<苍天的泪>)

087.The day you went away (王心凌<第一次爱的人>)

088.There you'll be( 张惠妹<排山倒海>)

089.Will you still love me tomorrow (童安格<明天你是否依然爱我>)

090.Big big world (阿雅<世界无限大>)

091.I swear (林忆莲<我发誓>)

092.Beauty and beast (成龙 杨淑桦<守住永远>)

093.Walk gracefully once (叶倩文<潇洒走一回>)

094.Can't love without you (裘海正<像我这样重感情的人>)

095.Save the best for last (关淑怡<为何是我们>)

096.Greatest love of all (陈百强<至爱>)

097.Always (林子祥<伴你启杭>)

098.My love (林子祥<选择>)

099.Take my breath away (林忆莲<激情>)

100.The power of love (柯以敏<爱的力量>)


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